Five facts about school shootings

Last week, a 4-year-old boy brought a loaded weapon to his Maryland elementary school. His parents are under investigation and according to the Baltimore Sun, some school officials are saying the parents, parents, parents should have known that guns are not to be found in the bathroom.

When the current violence is so rare, why do we hear so much about it? It makes it difficult to keep moving forward with new ideas and bills. I have to turn away when politicians or parents in the news fiddle with the facts and make things much worse. It’s time to end this unwinnable war against guns.

Statistics are just a starting point, but those for the five leading school shootings from 1910 to 2011 were below the national rate of one school shooting for every 34,000 students. For those statistics, we can look at the Body Count Database, which is the only comprehensive database of all school shootings, including school or community and police shootings, across the United States and globe.

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